
The objectives of the Standards of Training, Certification, and Watchkeeping (STCW) courses are to ensure that seafarers possess the necessary knowledge, skills, and competence to carry out their duties safely and effectively on-board ships. The STCW courses aim to achieve the following objectives: Safety at sea, Prevention of pollution, Proficiency in duties, Watchkeeping, Teamwork and leadership, compliance with the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) standards

key facts

Entry Requirements

Candidates must be not less than 18 years of age

Candidates must be medically fit

Candidates must be able to read, understand and write in English.


Ebene Campus

Target audience

The following individuals may be part of the target audience for STCW courses:

  • Deck officers, engineers, navigators, radio operators, and other crew members who are involved in operating and managing vessels.
  • Cruise Ship Staff including deck and engine crew, hospitality and service staff, and other seafaring positions.
  • Both experienced seafarers who are looking to renew their certificates and individuals seeking to freshly enter the maritime industry.
  • Offshore Industry Workers employed for oil and gas exploration and production.
  • Maritime Training Institutions including instructors, trainers, and staff members of maritime training institutions that provide STCW courses.

Objective/ career prospect

The objectives of the Standards of Training, Certification, and Watchkeeping (STCW) courses are to ensure that seafarers possess the necessary knowledge, skills, and competence to carry out their duties safely and effectively on-board ships. The STCW courses aim to achieve the following objectives: Safety at sea, Prevention of pollution, Proficiency in duties, Watchkeeping, Teamwork and leadership, compliance with the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) standards.

Course Content

  • To achieve an enhanced Design and Drafting skills in industry such as architect, engineering, and manufacturing.